Why become a member
We have a vision that by developing social emotional competencies, each of us can reduce violence, bullying, drug use, suicide, empower people, empathy, respect for each other, cultivate citizenship, build value-based communication, and see many more happy people around us!
We invite you to join us, spread the best practices of social emotional education in the country and create change together! By becoming a member of the Association, you will have the opportunity to participate in general meetings of members, contribute to the preparation and implementation of events, projects and programs. You will also be given the right to use the accumulated information and symbols, and most importantly to grow and improve both as a professional and as a person.
Member Feedback on LSEUA
Būti LSEUA nariu - tai proga pamatyti ir išgirsti, kaip mąsto ir bendrauja kiti pedagogai. Dalyvavimas asociacijoje padeda aiškiau suvokti savo vaidmenį. Sudaro sąlygas įtvirtinti SEU mokymąsi praktikoje ir stiprinti bendravimą, suteikiant įvairių galimybių įsilieti į besimokančią bendruomenę ir perimti vieni kitų reflektavimo praktiką. Tai galimybė dalytis pažangiąja lyderystės patirtimi plėtojant SEU ugdymo įstaigose.
Indrė Matevičienė
Raseinių lopšelio-darželio „Saulutė" direktorė
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John Doe
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John Doe
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John Doe
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John Doe
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John Doe
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John Doe
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John Doe
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John Doe